Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Zlatev, DMD

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Zlatev, DMD

Dr. Stefan Zlatev, DMD, PhD was born in 1987 in Plovdiv. From 2006 to 2012 he studied dentistry at the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the Medical University of Plovdiv. In 2013 he started working as an assistant professor at the Department of Prosthetic Dental Medicine of the Faculty of Dental Medicine at MU-Plovdiv and in a private practice in Plovdiv. In 2016, he acquired a specialty in Prosthetic Dental Medicine. In 2019, he de-fended the degree of Doctor of Orthopedic Dentistry. In the same year, he was appoint-ed as a senior assistant professor at the Department of Prosthetic Dental Medicine and head of the newly formed unit - CAD/CAM Center of Dental Medicine at the Research Institute at the Medical University - Plovdiv. The scientific interests of dr. Zlatev's re-search interests are focused on prosthetic dentistry, aesthetic dentistry, digital dentistry - building three-dimensional biological models, CAD/CAM, clinical photography and dental implantology. He has over 110 scientific contributions, 35 of them full-text arti-cles published in Bulgarian and international scientific journals. He has co-authored a textbook on Material Science for Dentists edited by Prof. Dr. Christo Kissov. He is a member of the Bulgarian Scientific Society of Dental Medicine, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Dental Union, Bulgarian Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry, IADR, EPA, DDS and NYAS.