Dr Enrico Cassai

Dr Enrico Cassai
Dr. Cassai graduated cum laude in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics at University of Ferrara in 1999.
He is active member of the Italian Society of Endodontology (SIE) and the Italian Association of Microscopic Dentistry (AIOM). He is associate member of the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) and European Society of Endodontology (ESE).
He has been secretary of SERE the Emilia Romagna section of SIE for the year 2015-2017. He has been member of the cultural commission of SIE for the year 2017- 2019.
He is member of the member acceptance committee of SIE.
In 2004 Dr. Cassai was Preceptor at the Endodontics Department of Loma Linda University (California). He attended Dr. M.Torabinejad’s ward, Dr. Cliff Ruddle’s course center and Dr. Stephen Buchanan’s course center in Santa Barbara (California).
He lectured in courses and conventions both in Italy and abroad as lecturer and he is author of several publications on international scientific journals.
Dr. Cassai has been a visiting professor in Endodontology at the University of Ferrara (AY 2004-2010 and 2013-2018).
He is gold member of Style Italiano Endodontics and co-author of the book “Retreatments” published by EDRA.
He works in private practice in Ferrara, particularly committed to clinical endodontics, microscopic surgery and aesthetic restorative dentistry.