Assoc. Proff. Vasil Svechtarov, FDM Sofia

Assoc. Proff. Vasil Svechtarov, FDM Sofia

Associate Professor Dr. Vassil Svechtarov graduated in Stomatology in 1987 at the Faculty of Stomatology – Sofia. He has three recognized specialties – Oral Surgery, Maxillofacial Surgery, General Dental Medicine and PhD scientific degree.

He is currently Deputy dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine at the Medical University – Sofia. First Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine at the Medical University of Varna. National Consultant on Oral Surgery, Chief Coordinator of the Expert Council on Maxillofacial Surgery to the Minister of Health and member of the Expert Council on Specialized Dentistry. NAOA expert in professional field 7.2 “Dental Medicine”.

He specialized in Clinical Dentistry at Kyushu University, Japan. His research interests and clinical practice cover the entire domain of oral and maxillofacial surgery, the highly specialized activities of these specialties, and the subject of functional pathology and temporomandibular joint disorders.

He has over 120 publications and participations in international and Bulgarian scientific forums. The main projects he has developed with the Japan International Cooperation Agency, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economy and Industry are related to the development of microsurgical transplantology and the transposition of EU regulations for the specialty.

Associate professor Svechtarov was a representative (Councillor) of Bulgaria for two terms in the European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, deputy chairman of the Executive Board of the Sofia Regional College of the Bulgarian Dental Union and chairman of the Control Commission of the college.

Holder of the Academic Honorary award with a blue ribbon of MU-Varna for high achievements in the field of science and higher education.