19th Scientific Congress of BgDA
How to manage calcified canals
In daily endodontic practice we can find many difficulties: ledges, blockages, abrupt curvatures, pulp stones, calcified canals. Those things are a challenge for the operator and, in the “technological age of endo”, the line between GP and the Endodontists.
Calcified canals are frequent in our adult patients and calcifications could have different colours and stuctures.
Where and how to find the canal orifices and how to scout them appropriately will be described with a microscopic approach, and different microscopic operative procedures to solve the problems will be given and explained.
The focus will be on the use of the proper light, the right instruments and a wetting technique, teaching the participants the tools for a correct problem-solving approach.

Dr. Vittorio Franco
Vittorio graduated at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 1991. Subsequently he developed a special interest in Endodontics (root canal treatment and retreatment), attending many postgraduate private endodontics courses and the postgraduate program in Endodontics at the University of Naples. He worked in the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics of Rome “Tor Vergata” University and was an Endodontics consultant in the Fatebene Fratelli Hospital in Rome.
Since 1997 Vittorio is member of the Italian Society of Endodontics and at the moment he is the President elected of the Society. Vittorio served on the editorial Board of the Italian Endodontic Journal and he is reviewer for many international Journals and author of many Scientific articles. He also wrote chapters of Endodontic textbooks. Vittorio is a well known Opinion leader and he cooperates as trainer, developer and tester with leading factories of Endodontic tools. He lectures nationally and internationally, is a visiting professor at many academic postgraduate courses in Endodontics.
He works exclusively in Endodontics and Endodontic Surgery under microscopic magnification on referred patients since 1998. He is registered in the UK on the GDC specialist list in Endodontics.
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