19th Scientific Congress of BgDA
Conservative treatment of periapical lesions
Apical periodontitis is a common condition in our daily practice
Endodontic failure is usually characterised with apical periodontitis
Major etiology factor is a persistent infection in the canal
Sometimes the infection is a secondary from the coronal leakage
And sometimes the infection is extraradicular.
The apical periodontitis can be managed by non surgical RCT or periradicular surgery.
We will keep our attention on the non surgical, conservative treatments in this presentation showing cases protocols and follow ups

Dr. Riste Panajotu
Completed high school for dental technician in 2003
2003-2009 Faculty of dental medicine Plovdiv R.Bulgaria
2018- 3 years Specialist training in Endodontology and restorative dentistry
Visited a lot of courses at the Worlds best Endodontists clinics
2018 was invited by Style Italiano endodontics to take part of the first digital
congres Bootcam in Milano,and was rewarded as a SILVER MEMBER
Working micro dentistry and microscopic endodontics at
ENDOMAK DENTAL GROUP-Panajotu endodontics.
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