V Scientific Congress of Faculty of Dental Medicine - Plovdiv jointly with Regional College of Bulgarian Dental Association - Plovdiv

Mouthwashes and dental health.

Mouthwashes are a successful additional oral hygiene product that is easy to use and provides access of active ingredients to hard-to-reach areas in the oral cavity. Different types of active ingredients can be offered and combined in mouthwashes. The presentation discusses contemporary indications and recommendations for mouthwash application in the additional therapy of plaque induced periodontal diseases (gingivitis and periodontitis). The lecture presents a clinical study about the effectiveness of mouthwashes with different and innovative combinations of active ingredients.
Dr. Blagovesta Yaneva, PhD

Dr. Blagovesta Yaneva, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Blagovesta Yaneva graduated as a dentist at the Medical University - Plovdiv in 2010 and defended her doctoral dissertation "Applica tion of Er: YAG laser in the treatment of moderate chronic periodontitis" in 2014. In 2018 she acquired the specialty "Periodontology and oral mucosa diseases" at MU-Plovdiv. Since 2010 Dr. Yaneva worked with dental lasers in her private practice.

Blagovesta Yaneva is an A ssociate Professor at the Department of Periodontology a nd Oral mucosa diseases at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, MU-Plovdiv, and part of the team of the Laser Center at the Research Institute at the Medical University of Plovdiv. She is an active member of the Bulgarian Society of Periodontology, the German Society of Periodontology, the Bulgarian Dental Laser Society, and ISLD.

Dr. Yaneva has presented her scientific work with more than 20 presentations, in Bulgaria, Japan, Belgium, France, Spain, Macedonia, China and has more than 20 publications about periodontal diseases and their treatment modalities

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