V Scientific Congress of Faculty of Dental Medicine - Plovdiv jointly with Regional College of Bulgarian Dental Association - Plovdiv

Sustainability in Dental Practice. Current Trends

Dentistry is one of the professional activities directly involved in the environmental pollution. Though individual dentists generate only small amounts of environment unfriendly waste, the accumulated waste produced by the profession has significant impact. The ways in which dentistry impacts the environment are multiple: wastage of silver amalgam, the use of traditional x-ray methods, the usage of disposables during patient care, office waste (energy, water, electric lamps, paper), chemical sterilization, improper disposal of bio-hazardous waste. “Green dentistry” attempts to reduce the industry’s detrimental impact on the environment and promote environmental awareness and sustainability to patients buy using the 4R’s Model (Rethink, Reuse, Recycle, Reduce), which emphasizes the sustainable consumption habits.
The oral health professionals can support the eco - friendly dentistry by adopting measures, such as the conservation of energy resources and water, the switch to green products, installing energy-efficient products, reuse and recycle, educate patients and staff, being proactive. They should be prepared to face many challenges because “Green Dentistry” is a High-Tech Dentistry (digital imaging, digital prosthodontics, digital workflow, the use CAD/CAM Systems, scanners,3D printers, lasers). Together, all these measures can contribute to more sustainable resources and a healthier environment, for a brighter future for present and future generations.

Marine Imre

Prof Ana Maria Tancu, MD

Prof Ana Maria Tancu, MD

Ana Maria Cristina Țâncu is an Associate Professor in the Complete Denture Department, and Vice
dean for European and Intern ational Cooperation in the Faculty of Dental Medicine, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, Romania. She has a PhD in Dental Medicine (” Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, in Bucharest, Romania) on Esthetical Aspects in Removable Prosthodontic Treatment. Her research areas of interest are now: dental esthetics, biomaterials, modern dental materials and techniques, the digital work flow in prosthodontics.

You can find her profile on www.researcherid.com : Web of Science ResearcherID AAA-7483-
2020; h - index: 4 (Web of Science).

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