V Scientific Congress of Faculty of Dental Medicine - Plovdiv jointly with Regional College of Bulgarian Dental Association - Plovdiv

Commercial lecture of Buldent „8 steps towards the perfect prophylaxis and loyal patients“

In these uncertain times, it is extremely important that we do not make mistakes in the way we treat our patients. Our procedures need to be as reliable as possible, and we need to have a very good understanding of the protocol we can implement. If there is such a protocol that is minimally invasive and maximally reliable - would you not offer it to your patients, knowing that you are doing the best for them and also for your practice?
Meet GBT – a protocol for guide biofilm therapy. Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) is a systematic and predictable approach in the prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases, based on research and using the latest technologies – AIRFLOW®, PERIOFLOW® и PIEZON®.
In this lecture you will find the answers to questions such as:
1. How to deal with the lack of motivation in the patients?
2. Is there are something we are missing?
3. How to improve our efficiency?
4. Can we eliminate the fear in the patients?
5. How to make profit from the prevention?

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