V Scientific Congress of Faculty of Dental Medicine - Plovdiv jointly with Regional College of Bulgarian Dental Association - Plovdiv

Customized titanium meshes for bone augmentation.

The presence of alveolar ridge deficiencies is considered the major limitation to achieve a implant-prosthetic restoration with high aesthetics and stability over time. Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) can be considered a predictable solution for bone augmentation. Many authors demonstrated the predictability of non-resorbable membranes or titanium meshes for bone augmentation for alveolar deficiencies. The use of PTFE membranes or titanium meshes can be consider the gold standard for bone augmentation because of 3 main reasons: adaptability, efficiency, and predictability.
However, the use of a barrier device is a procedure not lacking complications: it is skillsensitive, experience-sensitive, operator-sensitive, and above all technique-sensitive. For these reasons, it is important to make the right choice about surgical approach and biomaterials. Recently, some authors introduced an advanced technology for GBR, that is custom-made titanium mesh. The features of these devices can be different in according to the defects' morphology and severity and to clinicians' preferences. What about the further evolution of customized titanium meshes?
Alessandro Cucchi MD

Alessandro Cucchi MD

Dr. Alessandro Cucchi earned his degree in Dentistry and Dental Surgery with honors at th e University of Verona in 2009 and completed his post-graduate degree in Oral Surgery at the University of Milan in 2012.

In 2016, he received his Ph D in Surgical Sciences - Reconstructive Problems in Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Bologna.

Subsequently, he completed a continuing education course in Periodontal Plastic and Regene rative Surgical Techniques at the University of Milan.

In 2020, he completed the master degree in Zygomatic Implantology at the University of

He has published several scientific papers in the most prominent international journals,
such as COIR, CIDRR, IJOMI, IJOI, and IPRD, in regard to implant surgery and related

Moreover, he is a renowned speaker at severa l training courses and scientific meetings
which focus on implantology and bone augmentation surgery.

Currently, he is carrying out researches on innovative and digital technologies in Guided
Bone Regeneration (GBR).

He is founder of the GBR Academy and he is executive director of the advanced course
in GBR in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

He is active member of Digital Dentistr y Society (DDS) and Italian Academy of
Osseointegration (IAO).

Lastly, he dedicates his private practice to bone augmentation surg ery and soft tissue
management for oral rehabilitation.

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