International online conference Periodontology & Friends

Treatment of an implant-related gingival recession in the esthetic area (Clinical case)

Introduction: Implant dentistry has developed predictable treatment outcomes. However, implant-related complications and failures occur. Recession of the peri-implant soft tissues occurs when support for the tissue is lacking or has been lost. Recession is a common finding after implant restoration and should be anticipated, especially when soft tissues are thin and not well supported.

Aim: To improve the esthetic failure in the area of tooth 11.

Materials and methods: A 38 year old patient came to the Periodontology department in the Faculty of dental medicine in the Medical University of Plovdiv, complaining about a gingival recession around an implant in the front anterior upper area.

Results and discussion: We used subepithelial connective tissue graft and coronally advanced flap to cover the impant without removal of the abutment.

Conclusion: Sometimes it is advisable to use connective tissue graft prior the implant placement to reduce the risk of gingival recession around it.

Key Words: Implant, gingival recession, coronary positioning flap, connective tissue graft, topical antibiotic, bone regeneration

Implemented with an intra-university project NO-06/2019

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