Assoc. prof. Dr. Miroslava Mileti Dinkova, DMD, PhD, DSc

Assoc. prof. Dr. Miroslava Mileti Dinkova, DMD, PhD, DSc

Miroslava Dinkova is assistant in the Department of "Pediatric Dentistry", FDM, Sofia since 1989. Since 1993 she is assistant, and since 2015 – Associate Professor at the Department of "Orthodontics", FDM, Sofia. Her scientific degree "Doctor" is a dissertation on topic "Management of orthodontic treatment in adults with periodontal problems in the frontal teeth". She has the scientific degree “Doctor of Science” from 2020 after defense of a dissertation on the topic “Application of DENTALIGN Digital Aligners for Orthodontic Treatment”.

In 2005 she completed a second higher education at the University "Prof. Dr. A.Zlatarov", Burgas as Master of Business Administration.

Assoc. Prof. M. Dinkova has 4 specialties – Prosthodontic Dentistry and Orthodontics, 1987, Pediatric Dentistry, 1993, Health Management and General Dentistry 2005. In 2005, at the Faculty of Social Sciences, she defended a thesis on "Strategy for Development of Dental Centre in orthodontics."

Since 1993 she has a private practice and since 2003 she is a manager of her own "Dental Center of Orthodontics".

She has participated in over 90 international “Hands-on” qualification courses and theoretical and practical training certificated courses in orthodontics and dozens of lectures in Europe, USA and Asia.

Miroslava Dinkova is an active member of World Society of Lingual Orthodontics /WSLO/ and President of Bulgarian Society of Lingual Orthodontics /BSLO/; Vice Consul of Balkan Stomatological Society /BaSS/; Co-chairman of “Post-graduation educational center of Orthodontics – EOOD”.

She is a member of Bulgarian Dental Association /BDA/, Bulgarian Orthodontic Society /BOO/, Bulgarian Society of Dental Medicine /BSDM/, Balkan Stomatological Society /BaSS/, European Orthodontic Society /EOS/, World Federation of Orthodontics /WFO/, Italian Society of Orthodontics /SIDO/, European Aligner Society (EAS), Association of Health Managers.

Assoc. Prof. Miroslava Dinkova has over 120 scientific papers published in national and international specialized journals. She has participated in more than 140 scientific congresses and conferences, 80 of which are international. Her main interests are in adult orthodontics, interdisciplinary treatment approaches, lingual orthodontics and digital technologies in orthodontics.

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