Dental implants are a part of everyday pratice in modern dentistry. High number of placed implants, different implat systems, compromised site , needs of graftings and very high number of dentists using implants makes the rates of complications to rise.

In my lectures the starting point is always everyday practice and how we can improve it. Therefore, with a big number of cases, i will try to present some of the complications that are happening and more of this, what we can learn in order to avoid complications or at least make them on minimum.
Доц. Енис Реджеп, дм

Доц. Енис Реджеп, дм

Enis Redjep DDS, PhD has graduated from dental school at Hacettepe university, Ankara, Turkey in 1998 and same year has started specialization and PhD studies in the field of oral & maxillofacial surgery. Graduated in 2004.

2008 has clinical attachment in Manoufiya University, Egypt in the department of plastic, craniofacial surgery and burn unit. In 2014 visits Poole NHS Trust in the department of Craniofacial surgery for a clinical attachment.

In 2010 becomes Assistant professor in state university in Tetovo, RNM and 2016 becomes Associate professor in European University in Skopje, RNM

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