20th Scientific Congress of BgDA
Is Low Budget Therapy оf Mandibular Frontal Crowding Possible?
The treatment of adult patients takes pleasure in more and more popularity during the last years. Orthodontics as an exclusive treatment of children and youngsters belongs long ago to the past. Among the rest, this is due to the increased awareness of aesthetics of the older patients what becomes apparent just also in the dental medicine. The claims of the patients are beside a quick and inexpensive therapy just also the claim of the invisibility.
Modern orthodontic therapy is connected with regenerative medicine. Alveolar bone seems to play a key role in providing support to the teeth, which are anchored to the bone by desmodontal fibers. The progressive alveolar bone resorption process occurs due to a loss of anatomic, biologic and mechanical factors.
Tooth extraction leads to typical bone deficiency of ridge width and height of alveolar crest. When tooth extraction is necessary, trauma should be minimized during the procedure and bone preservation should receive careful attention. The literature has shown that early bone loss can be significantly reduced by socket grafting. The process of socket grafting requires an understanding of wound healing and an appreciation of the biological properties of the products available for socket grafting.
This presentation gives an overview about the different aesthetic possibilities of treatment for the removal of anterior crowding in the lower jaw and confronts this under economic and therapeutic points of view.
Prof. Dr. Tomasz Gedrange
Studying dentistry at the Friedrich Schiller University (FSU) Jena, Germany; 2004-2012 Professor and Director of Department of Orthodontics, Preventive and Pediatric Dentistry, University, Greifswald, Germany; Director of orthodontic education program in Mecklenburg Vorpommern. Since 2012 Professor of Department of Orthodontics, Dresden University of Technology, Germany. He published more than 250 original articles in pre-reviewed journals.
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