Dr. Petya Kanazirska, PhD

Dr. Petya Kanazirska, PhD
Dr. Petya Georgieva Hadjigeorgieva-Kanazirska is an assistant in the Department of "Imaging diagnostics, dental allergology and physiotherapy" from 2008.
In 2007 Dr. Petya Kanazirska acquired a master's degree in dental medicine at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University- Plovdiv.
In 2014, Dr. Kanazirska acquired specialty "dental imaging".
From 2017, Dr. Petya Kanazirska has the Scientific and educational degree "Doctor". Theme of the dissertation is "Diagnostic possibilities of cone beam computed tomography in the impacted third molars of the lower jaw".
Dr. P. Kanazirska has 22 participations in national and international scientific congresses and conferences. Dr. Petya Kanazirska has 5 publications in national journals and 9 in international journals, of which two with impact factor. Dr. Kanazirska has four participations in scientific projects and participation in training for work with 3D mathods of examination.
Dr. P. Kanazirska is a member of Bulgarian Dental Union and Bulgarian Dental Medicine Scientific Society.